09 dezembro 2010

The Spiritual Child

“ (…)Beloved Ones, there is a child within each of you and this child is Sacred. As you are come into this world out of Spirit, you are meant to be greeted with great love and so it is that we greet you now.

First of all give love and thought onto yourself so that you can find the truth of who you are. Only then can you live your potential to love another as yourself. The way of truth is the way of ease. It is the way of nature and the way of the world as seen by unclouded eyes. Let your eyes be unclouded as all fear falls away.

When a child is conceived in love through the joining of two in love and conscious creation, the child is held from that moment in the loving field of union, safe and secure. Life itself is unafraid and yet through rightful expectation desires and deserves to be held in safety, warmth and care, cherished and blessed by the greeting of all other life surrounding this new seed growing dynamically in each moment.

All around you life is growing wild and free. Birds are singing at every dawn even in the greatest cities of bustle and confusion. Grass is growing with every breath you take in and release. Small animals scurry about their business of life, carrying food to young nestled in every corner of this vast earth. Life will live and live freely for that is its purpose. To breathe, to feel, to love and to learn; life is nature and nature is life.

Consciousness expressed in living form is the way of this place to which you have come, Beloved child of God, and we write this book to invite you to the freedom for which you are created. Know that you are created anew in each moment by the consciousness which you are and which you hold localized in this moment by belief and free will.

There is much we want to say to you all and it is for this purpose that you also read these words. Our wills are joined in this process of writing and reading words of meaning, words of praise of life and a desire to uplift the children as they enter this world, to uplift them only to their true state of Being and free them from the false slavery that fear engenders.

True to your Holy self you must be, you who are reading these words, you who will share them with others. We remind you only of what you already know, for all of Truth is embedded in your own Being forever more.  Yet actions there have been which have caused suffering and separation from Source, from God, from good in that place in space and time in which you now find yourself. All of experience is a learning and a lesson. For this the Spirit of God is individuated as each of you, not only each person but all that is in-formed from starry sky to the living Earth beneath you now. (…)

The children of this Earth, born and yet to be born, need the gathering of those who remember. They need these loving Beings to come together and powerfully create the images of good. Then these images must be fed and fed with highest intention and loving compassion until they dispel the shadows of fear. Then shall the earth be redeemed and the truth be revealed for all. A great wave of freedom shall lift the Earth into Her rightful place as the home of the Children of God. (…)”

Retirado de "Spiritual Child" de Peta Amber Lynne

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